Saturday, March 29, 2008

Its been a month since I last posted and the main reason is that I have either been too busy or just plain not here.

Femia and I went to Vietnam for 10 days at the start of the month. It was a wonderful trip, I have always loved travelling in Asia and due to many reasons, marriage, mortgages, kids and this business, I hadn't been back for 14 years.

While it was only 10 days, they were great days. We left the kids with their grandmothers and just the two of us enjoyed our 20th year together anniversary. When we travel we go pretty hard, not the sort to sit on a beach for days on end. We walked, rode bikes, motorbiked, cars, bussed, boated and flew around, often for 10-12 hours per day.

We don't go to too many places, we just make sure we see all we can in the places we go. We will go back, its the best value travel we have ever done. Great things to see, awesome food, friendly people. These are a fe of the panographs I took while there. I'll post some more photos soon.

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